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    Monday 5 December 2016

    6 easy ways to stop your daughter from wearing inappropriate clothes

    Image result for women enjoying in bikinis 
    Entering adulthood, girls generally try to make an identity of their own and to manifest that, they experiment a lot with their clothing. Being a parent, you are naturally concerned about that and want to stop your daughter from wearing inappropriate clothes.
    If your girl is experimenting and doing that by wearing inapproprite clothes, she would obviously be thinking that she looks awesome by doing so. Unfortunately, we live in a hyper-sexualized society, especially when it comes to young women. The entertainment industry has also contributed negatively to the thinking and lifestyles of the teens. When it comes to tv, you can see girls wearing strippers, girls moving in the streets with bikini's on and a lot of other stuff. These little kids get influenced by this and start thinking that it is imperative to wear more exposing clothes and have tattoos to look cool. They start thinking that it is normal to wear these clothes. And by doing so, they often become a source of dissatisfaction for their parents.
    What should you do?
    Instead of getting frustrated and taking her clothes away from her, try to have a serious discussion about your apprehensions with her. Remember, there is no way you can force her not to adopt certain clothing style. If anything you can do, it is to convince her logically about the need for modesty in her choice of clothes.

    She won't listen to your illogical advice
    Help her make choices, it is not about just telling her that this or that is not good. She has passed the age where she will follow your advice blindly. She might have listened to your advice when she was little but now she is an adult and she will try to create an identity for herself. Therefore, it will be really uncomfortable for her to accept what you dictate to her. The point here is that you need to convince her about ''Why'' it is not appropriate to wear a certain type of clothes. 

    I would tell her the following things
    Dress reflects your personality
    Society around you judges you by the way you look. And this is how it will be your whole life. Dress is not just a wardrobe, but an expression of your personality and identity. If you dress appropriately for an occasion, you will get more respect than you will if you dress shabbily. People will always measure your competence by measuring the way you dress. Even boys will judge a girl by the way she dresses. The boys who are true gentlemen will respect and give you appropriate place in their heart and won't want to be with a lady who dresses provocatively all the times and shows no respect for modesty.
    The boys who see women as a sexual/ physical entity will easily be attracted towards women who dresses provocatively. They will automatically think that you are sending sexual messages by wearing provocative clothes. 

    Why tv stars wears revealing clothes?
    You would have seen stars and models dress like this because they want to be treated as sexual entities. This helps them gain publicity. And there is also a reason why some professional women who understand the importance of dress wear modest dress. They want to be seen through by their competence and not through their bodies. It is as simple as that when a man takes interest in you because of your provocative dressing, it means that he wants your body and nothing else, and I hope you realize that there is nothing worse for a girl than to be treated merely as a sexual entity. That type of person never loves you and only wants to take advantage of your body.
    Dress according to situation
    Every situation demands different types of behavior and clothing. One can't wear pajamas to school, and similarly, one does not wear dresses at a beach. And definitely, one also does not wear pajamas at school.  To dress provocatively does not send good messages on a date too.
    There are ways to be attractive, and it is understandable that you wants to look attractive, but it can be done without being sexually provocative. Being attractive does not mean to be showing your assets to men. 

    She is allowed to be herself
    Communicate her that she is allowed to be herself but the way she does it makes her parents worry about her. Offer yourself for help if she wants you to help her out. During shopping, make her decide primarily and ensure that she can make her choices by willingly getting suggestions from you. Question her kindly if she wears like ‘' I'm a hot gig' etc that what does this means, and then by using the logic, convince her not to wear that.
    If you can guide and teach her, she will listen to you with far more respect than if you threaten her or take her clothes from her. 

    Understand her
    Understand the psychology of an adult and cope with her accordingly. There is no need to assume falsely that she is doing all that for wrong reasons. Most probably she does not comprehend the consequences of her dressing. If you follow these simple rules, you might be able to stop your daughter from wearing inappropriate clothes.

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