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    Blog is all you want to know about relationships and their connection with psychology

    Wednesday 30 November 2016

    28 Tips that can help you Accelerate Personal Growth

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    Personal growth is a lifelong process that helps individuals to evolve through the course of life. Study of human psychology has revealed that humans inhabit a natural disposition and desire towards personality development. However, there are certain hindrances that halt the process of human growth and evolution.
    These are some of the tips that can accelerate your personal growth and self-development.
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    1. Don’t waste your time on porn-
    Are you a die heart fan of porn, and can’t get your eyes of porn whenever you get a chance? Sadly, this is something detrimental to the growth of your personality. Psychology reveals that people obsessed with porn are vulnerable to anxiety, and do frustrate themselves by following their sexual instincts.
    2. Don't follow the crowd, follow your own way-
    Do you want to be innovative and follow your own path, but at the same time, fearful of criticism and social boundaries? From today onwards, try to follow your passion. There is nothing worst than being sheepishly dictated by others over issues to be decided by you in principle. Remember, it is your life and you are solely responsible for its health. Don't let anyone decide or change your course of life. Be bold in taking decisions, and you will evolve and grow as a person.
    3. Limit your social website activities-
    Are you crazy about your social media connectivity and waste a lot of time wandering carelessly on social media? This surely halts your personal growth. Remember the proverbial saying 'Excess of everything is bad'. By impacting your mind, social media makes you impractical and lethargic, eventually driving you to a monotonous cycle of life.
     4. Don't only learn from success stories-
    Advice is for free, and most people consider it as their birth right to throw that at you. However, the piece of wit they throw is extremely harmful to the growth of human personality. ''Learn from Success Stories'' they say usually. Should we really? I would advise otherwise. You can never learn from the success stories because successful people discover their own paths by discarding the conventional ones, therefore can never be the right choice for advice. However, humans can learn from the mistakes of others by driving lessons from them and deciding their own path in the light of those lessons.
    5. Try to be a good presenter in the office meeting-
    Don’t shy away from giving your hundred percent in any field of work you chose for yourself. Always give your hundred percent and wait for results. They will follow the course. It is a golden rule that if you give 100 percent of your effort, the results will follow at 200%. Surely, it will not only lead you to a successful career but will also ensure the accelerated growth of your personality.
    6. Control your emotions and try to be proactive-
    Servitude to emotions is one of the worst forms of slavery. It destroys you internally and leads you to a foreseeable debacle in your social life. Study of human history reveals that human emotions have lead to the debacle of human race on numerous instances. And history repeats itself again and again in the modern era. Devoid of emotions and sentiments, you must always pursue the path enlightened by pragmatism and human logic. 
    7. Try to be creative-

    Creativity has lead human beings to achieve great things in the history of mankind. I will suggest you to follow the suit and be creative in your everyday situations. This will help you transform into a dynamic personality which, of course will be an attribute of  personal growth.
    8.  Be practical. Life will be easy-
     Be practical. Don’t expect anything from anyone, over-reliance often leads to disappointments and your personality is negatively impacted by such setbacks. 

    9. Strong Work Ethics-
     When working, only use your smart phone for calls, and don't check notifications or play games etc.
    Read:7 Long Distance Relationship Problems that Lead to Breakup 
    In simple words, you must follow a decorum if you want to improve yourself. 

    10. Make a daily routine and strictly follow it.
    Be punctual, whatever you want to do in life. People without personal restraints are most vulnerable to chaos in life, and eventually, these things halts the acceleration of human personality.

    11. Try to Learn 5–6 languages-
     Learn different languages if you can. It will help you diversify. 

    12.  Read self-help books-
    Read books that inspires. If you want to stand out in competition, focus deep into studies. Study habit will help you develop an understanding of life as a person.
    13. Work with the best people in your field and learn from their experiences-
    Learn from others. Those who don't learn stand vulnerable to failures in life. Understand from the experiences of others and use them practically in your life situations.

    14. Don't be excessively materialistic-
    Please don’t be materialistic. If you are to pursue the wealth and material in your life, you would never be able to enjoy the sheer brilliance of life. It is important to build an understanding that life is all about maintaining self-composure, and by doing so, enjoying the wonders of life.

    15. Respect your colleagues and subordinates
    Memorise the names of your subordinates and call them by their original names. This little gesture works wonders in gaining acceptance among your co-workers.

    16. Understand office politics.
    Understand the politics that goes around your work hub, it will help you maintain and mould yourself accordingly.
    17. Maintain an aura of mystery regarding yourself-
    Don’t be too revealing about yourself. It will help you earn respect from others. Also, it will beneficial in understanding others personalities.
    18. Improve your leadership skill-
    Learn to communicate effectively in pressure situations. Learn to standout during tough times. Take decisions and implement them. Accept your mistakes, and you be able to accelere your self growth.
    19. Take up any interesting hobby-
    If you are good at something, improve yourself in that by making it your hobby. You will need this to release tension during tough times.

    20. Be a better listener-
    Everyone wants to talk but few want to listen. Try to listen people.

    21. Do meditation every day-
    It will help you buy calmness and maintain balance in life. 

    22.  Love yourself-
    Never ever hate yourself, show acceptance for yourself by taking care of your health.
    23. Spend time with bold people-
    Have a company that is creative. Their positivity will positively impact your life.

    24. Visit amazing places-
    Visit atleast one new place every weekend. It will make you feel blessed.
     Image result for amazing places
    29. Do voluntary works
    Contribute to this world positively. Be the one who loves to live for others and finds happiness in that.
    25. Be curious and ask a questions
    Never stop questioning. It keeps your mind fresh and active.

    26. Leave your bed early and inhale the fresh air-
    Leave your bed early, and enjoy the beauty of life. 

    27. Help others-   
    One of the easiest ways to master something is by helping others learn that. So always contribute to your team, your manager, or your co-workers in learning a skill.
    Image result for help others quotes 

    28. Be ambitious-
    If you are not ambitious about your life goals, it is time to be ambitious about them. Follow your passions and live by them.
     Image result for man running

    Remember that life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 perecent what you think about that.

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