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    Psychology and Relationship

    Blog is all you want to know about relationships and their connection with psychology

    Friday 25 November 2016

    Are You Still Single: Check Out Why?

    Do you often wonder ‘’Why am I Single’’ when you see your friends partying with their girlfriends/boyfriends and sharing a part of their life with them?  If you do, you belong to a pretty large community. According to a recent survey conducted in American states, 45% male and 38% females are facing difficulties in finding partners in America. You might wonder about the authenticity of this piece of statistic, but to your curiosity, this statistic is true of its soul and spirit. There are an awfully huge number of people who are first Single, and then are in complexes, and then are in self-doubt and so on.  What leads to such deplorable conundrum? Is it luck or god afflicted doom on you? Picture tells us all.

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    1. Aromantic Personality


    Are you romantic in the ideal sense of affairs? Do you want to share yourself with others and are a staunch extrovert? Then, you will have a pretty easy time finding your mate, but if otherwise, you will have a hard time finding a soulmate that could understand you and comply accordingly. Most of the prospects would flee, branding you as a bore. 
    Do you have a tendency to go deep down in your thoughts without caring about the company? Are you a person who doesn't take a lot of interest into others private life and don't specifically like parties? If this is the case, your coupling task is even more tedious.You don’t know how to fake your expressions and you are not good at babbling when there is nothing significant to talk, you are sadly not so interesting. Surprised, well this is what generally goes into relationships. Messy talks! Messy gossips! This is a pretty hard job if you are a straight forward person. A good relationship needs flattering, attention to partner needless needs, making his life your own, but obviously, if you are not one of such species, you will sadly found it hard to hang out successfully.
    All of these items listed above, or those unmentioned or forgotten, are hurdles to dating and relationship. And sadly, it is even hard to overcome these negative attribute attached to you.
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     2. Lack of Confidence

     The very basic conundrum that makes you ''single for life''. People  face a detrimental lack of self-confidence in social situations and ultimately plunge themselves into thinking negatively during social gatherings and appearances. Low self-esteem kills all the attraction and presents you in a negative light in front of others. These sort of people are immediately anticipated as low-key lovers, therefore misfit for ''partnership''.

    3. Weight

     Appearance matter a lot. Your first impression is your demeanor and style with which you carry yourself (Keep in mind that you are living in a capitalistic world).If you are bulky and have tummy bulging out of your belly, forget about having a decent chance to have a partner. Such body is obviously going to blow out whatever self-confidence you have.

     4. Courage

     Now let's suppose you are handsome and stylish but are still single. It's pretty sad! but here is one more hurdle to clear. Do you have the courage to ask the women out? Most of the singles don’t normally have the balls (sorry for that) to ask a beautiful girl to go on a date with them. This makes it even harder to transpire your whims into something substantial.

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    However, unless someone is extremely lucky, overcoming them requires one or more of the core attributes that I do not have: self-confidence, a reasonably positive self-image, or great looks. Only recently have I reached this conclusion and started to improve where I can possibly.

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